What is a Health Coach?

What is the role of a Health Coach?

A Certified Health Coach helps fill the gap between you and medical doctors. Doctors spend on average less than 20 minutes with each patient. This means they do not have adequate time to discuss the root cause of your health concerns or lifestyle and behavioral changes, as well as long term one-on-one follow up to help mitigate those health challenges. In comes a Certified Health Coach. They work in partnership with their clients to dig deep into their health and lifestyle challenges to address health challenges. The vast majority of chronic health issues are rooted in what we put into our bodies, and overall lifestyle. Your Certified Health Coach will assess your challenges, listen to your goals, and between the two, create a customized plan that will pace you through meeting all your health goals. Your Certified Health Coach will impart expert knowledge into you, mentor you, support and encourage, and ensure you find ultimate success in your path towards creating healthy habits and effective change. Certified Health Coaches have a wealth of knowledge in healthy eating, fitness, and lifestyle to address attitude and stress and subsequent impact on health.

Do Certified Health Coaches collaborate with other healthcare practitioners like medical doctors?

Absolutely, albeit indirectly. While your Certified Health Coach will not directly communicate with members of your health care team, but we all work together from different angles for the good of your health. You will be responsible for communicating all pertinent information regarding your coaching from your Certified Health Coach to members of your health team. If ever there is a time that your Certified Health Coach feels you have health or medical needs that expand past the scope of Health Coaching practice, your Certified Health Coach will recommend you seek assessment from qualified medical health care providers as necessary. For example, if your coach feels you have an urgent medical need they will immediately disclose this recommendation to you and encourage you to gain the professional opinion of a medical doctor on the issue of concern. * If you are a healthcare professional and are interested in collaborating together or referring patients, please contact me at (202) 92-COACH or info@houstonhealthcoach.org

What type of Coaching do you offer?

Online, In Person, Personal Sessions, or Group Sessions

Is online coaching right for me?

It has been shown to work well and be effective. It works best for those with busy schedules, with little spare time, and those whom are tech savvy and have a comfort level with video conferencing via Skype. It also suits those who find comfort in a bit more "distance", rather than being face-to-face, and those who can communicate well via writing and are able to access text and email effeciently.

How long will it take before I see results?

The time line varies and is directly related to many factors. It depends on your health challenges and goals, as well as your personal level of motivation and willingness to learn and implement change. You are in the driver's seat. We can provide direction and information, but we cannot implement changes for you. However, if someone is motivated and coachable, goal-oriented results can be seen in approximately four weeks, with smaller wins found sooner. Typically, the longer you work with a Certified Health Coach, the more success you will see.

How much time will this cost me per week?

Ideally, when seeking best results, it will require approximately a few hours per week. This accounts for:
i.      1 Hour biweekly coaching sessions
ii.      (3) 30 minutes of some type of physical activity
iii.      10 minutes a day food logging in the beginning of coaching and giving some thought to food choices in preparation.

Does a Certified Health Coach take the place of a Medical Doctor or other healthcare professionals?

No, we do not. We work collaboratively with medical doctors, and other healthcare professionals as a piece of your health and wellness team. As a Certified Health Coach, we do not diagnose or treat disease from a medical licensing perspective. In this same scope, we do not prescribe prescriptions, or interpret diagnostic testing. We work from a proactive angle looking at whole health with an eye for prevention and root causation. If we encounter health challenges that we believe are outside of our scope of practice, we will readily recommend that you be assessed by an appropriate healthcare professional.

Will a Certified Health Coach make me submit to an extreme, expensive lifestyle?

NO way! We live in the real world. Life is busy, stressful, and comes with a lot of demands on your body and time. Most cannot afford specialty grocery stores, or a host of expensive supplements. We meet you where you are. We will talk with you about your lifestyle, the areas you are open to exploring, and your limitations, and create a sensible approach that allows you to meet your goals. We will provide you with quality information and our recommendations, but, ultimately, it is up to you to choose to implement. Always let us know if you feel unsure at any step. Our hope and need is to work in sincere transparency with one another. We always want you to feel comfortable. We will not ever recommend extreme or fad diets. We do not sell you products, or partner with any affiliate product companies, and we will never tell you to buy anything. We may make small recommendations, but they are never required purchases, or costly. And the choice is always up to you.

Does my medical doctor need to give me permission to work with a Health Coach?

They do not. You will enter the relationship with your Certified Health Coach on you own accord and accept responsibility for all choices and implementation of action plan and recommendations. However, if you currently have any health issues that require you be under the care of medical doctor it will be an important personal responsibility to ensure there are no objections or contraindications from your medical doctor with regard to you working with a Certified Health Coach. 

What does it look like working with a Certified Health Coach?

We will have a consultation, either in person or via Skype and discuss your preassessment, talk about your challenges, your historic successes, your goals, your lifestyle, areas of exploration, and limitations. With this we will create an action plan for you over the course of our total time working together, e.g., 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, etc. We will then have a biweekly 1-hour coaching session, and follow up correspondence with support and assistance via text/email in between biweekly coaching sessions. We will also provide you with various types of reference and learning material as it pertains to your specific needs. We will assess your progress weekly, and adjust and make changes as your needs require, and we will make specific useful recommendations.

Why not my doctor?

A medical doctor treats solely the symptomatic condition. A Certified Health Coach helps the whole of a person. We do not merely want to get rid of the symptom in front of us. Yes, of course, we want the troubling symptoms and health challenges to disappear, but, we work to do that by giving the body what it needs on a deeper level. If we don't find and eradicate the root of the problem, the health issues will continue, and will be exacerbated by time. This leads to further health decline and costly healthcare intervention.

Why not a dietician or a personal trainer?

A Certified Health Coach is a better value for your dollar investment. Dieticians teach nutrition but not exercise. A personal trainer specializes in exercise but not nutrition. And a medical doctor is focused on specific disease symptoms. A Certified Health Coach is trained in both exercise, nutrition, lifestyle, and attitude modification. 

Where will I meet my Certified Health Coach if we meet in person?

We will meet at a to be determined designated location within the 77586 zip code.

Will my diet have to change?

It depends on how you currently eat, but, generally, yes, you can expect some diet change. It could be more or less for some, but it will always be at a manageable, sensible pace that would not be overwhelming. There will never be any extreme or fad diets. You always have total control over all that is implemented.

Is seeing a Certified Health Coach a legitimate profession, or a scam?

It is definitely a real thing! The profession itself is legitimate and provides an invaluable service in health care. Health Coaches are the wave of the very near future in health care. You already see Health Coaches being hired by employers, hospitals, insurance companies, and doctor's offices. I would ensure you know your Health Coach is certified and inquire about other educational background. Here are my credentials: I am a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, with specialty training hours in women trying to conceive, pregnant women, and postpartum women, as well having specialty training hours in child health. I am also a Certified Childbirth Educator, as well as a Certified Breastfeeding Educator. I also hold a Bachelor's degree in Sociology, and Non-Profit Management and Leadership. Additionally, I own a small business developing and marketing natural skincare products. I have also completed multiple internships gaining expertise in Strategic Planning, Program Auditing, and Proposal Writing. I have been on an active and purposeful personal wellness journey for the last 15 years. This has allowed me to build a wealth of physiological and whole health knowledge. I have experienced various ways of eating, living, and learned best practices for sustained optimal health. Additionally, I have a family that I usher into good health, and I am a Mom of four children that I have carried through pregnancy, and breastfed.

Will I have to join a gym?

No, it is not a requirement. So, you would only join a gym if you wanted to do so.

Can a Certified Health Coach diagnose health conditions, order tests, or interpret labs or diagnostic tests?

No, they cannot. This would need to be completed by a medical doctor.

What if I begin to feel overwhelmed in this process?

Please tell us! We are here for you! We want the very best for you, and that includes you feeling completely comfortable and sure of where you are in the process. We can walk you through each detail and modify any plans to ensure they are sensible and manageable for you.

What happens if my Certified Health Coach identifies something in my health that is beyond their scope of practice?

We will make a recommendation to you regarding what we believe is the proper healthcare professional for you to have a consultation with regarding that concern.

Who can be helped by a Health Coach?

What type of clients do you work with?

We work with any woman that is motivated to make lifestyle changes to improve their health.

How long do clients work with you?

It varies. For best results regarding behavioral modification, a minimum of three months is best. However, there can be improvements made in shorter timeframes depending on health challenges, goals, and personal motivation and implementation. Most clients work with us between 2 and 9 months.

Are you ready for coaching?

You are ready to be coached if you have a willing spirit to be coached. If you are willing to be heard, and listen openly to your Certified Health Coach, and implement changes, then you are ready to be coached. It will require commitment, motivation, energy, time, accountability, and transparency in being open and honest with your Coach as you will be in partnership with one another. If this is something you have a willingness in, then you are ready! And we are so excited to work with you!

Can you help me after I have my baby?

Absolutely! I'd be honored. I can assist from a health coaching perspective to help you heal and nourish in good health as you navigate a very taxing postpartum period through coaching sessions. I can also assist in understanding challenges and changes that have occurred from childbirth as a Certified Childbirth Educator and walk you through all your concerns and provide assistance and tips and tricks. I can also assist with Breastfeeding teaching, challenges, or concerns as a Certified Breastfeeding Educator and offer more best practices. Please see Services Page for detailed information on Childbirth or Breastfeeding Services or email me at info@houstonhealthcoach.org

Can you be my Doula?

I am not a certified Doula, but I can make recommendations! They are so wonderful. But I would be honored to assist you in Childbirth classes and Breastfeeding support!

Can anyone join me in my one-one-one coaching sessions with my Certified Health Coach?

We want your coaching sessions to be all about you, with no distractions, and with your confidentiality fully protected. It is for that reason we request that you reserve your coaching sessions to be between only you and your coach.

I am a vegan or vegetarian. Can you help me too?

Yes! We will safely work around limitations to ensure you still reach your health goals.

Why do you only see women and children?

Because we are experts in them! And they are prized and valuable, and we want the very best for them.

If I am currently under the care of a medical doctor, can I stop seeing them and only see a Certified Health Coach?

If you are under the care of medical doctor, you need to continue your care and treatment with your provider. However, you can simultaneously see a Certified Health Coach for whole health change and benefits barring any contraindications or objections from your medical doctor.

Will a medical doctor support me working with a Certified Health Coach?

Most medical doctors are seeing the advantage to patients and themselves of having Certified Health Coaches supplement their efforts. However, we implore you to discuss any concerns, contraindications, or objections to you seeing a Certified Health Coach with your medical doctor.

Can I be coached if I am pregnant?

Yes! Barring any contraindications, concerns, or objections from your OB/Midwife, you can see a Certified Health Coach while you are pregnant. We would be honored to see you! We love, love pregnant Mamas! We can help you with so much.

Can you see my minor child?

We love kiddos! We can coach the minor child's guardian/parent in facilitating health and wellness in the child.

Will you coach my husband?

We are good at what we do! and that is being an expert in women and serving women. We can offer recommendations to others that would be wonderful coaches for your husband.

Do you only coach people in Houston, Texas?

We coach clients all over the United States via virtual coaching sessions, usually through Skype.

Which coaching plan do I need?

It depends on your current health challenges, your motivation and commitment level, readiness to change, and long-term goals. Clients typically find best results with long-term investment.

Why choose Houston Health Coach?

Why choose a Certified Health Coach?

a.       They have thorough nutrition and physiological knowledge, and can cohesively bridge the gap between food, body, and better health.

b.       They are looking at the big picture of both your challenges, goals, and overall health and are strategically reconciling each piece to forge a path forward that brings you freedom in your health through sustainable lifestyle changes.

c.       They are your loudest cheerleader. They work with objectivity in their insight into your challenges and goals and create a tailored action plan for you with a nonjudgmental spirit. Your Certified Health Coach will build a relationship of trust, honesty and transparency, which will allow your partnership to flourish with open dialogue and communication as you walk together down health and wellness.

d.       They are the missing piece of your puzzle. They can bring clarity and fact-based wisdom and experience to your challenges. They can listen to you and help bring it all together in a manageable step-based action plan. They are your personal guide through all the murky details that have held you back for so long.

What are your credentials?

I am a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, with specialty training hours in women trying to conceive, pregnant women, and postpartum women, as well having specialty training hours in child health. I am also a Certified Childbirth Educator, as well as a Certified Breastfeeding Educator. I also hold a Bachelor's degree in Sociology, and Non-Profit Management and Leadership. Additionally, I own a small business developing and marketing natural skincare products. I have also completed multiple internships gaining expertise in Strategic Planning, Program Auditing, and Proposal Writing. Additionally, I struggled with infertility for 3 years prior to approaching my wellness from a whole body approach. I have been on an active and purposeful personal wellness journey for the last 15 years. This has allowed me to build a wealth of physiological and whole health knowledge. I have experienced various ways of eating, living, and learned best practices for sustained optimal health. Additionally, I have a family that I usher into good health, and I am a Mom of four children that I have carried through pregnancy, and breastfed.

Who uses a Certified Health Coach?

Doctors, Hospitals, Business Leaders, Employers, Insurance Companies, Individuals. The Health Care industry sees the need and benefit for Certified Health Coaches and they continue to employ them to act as a front line mediary between doctors and patients.

When to consider a health coach?

A few common reasons, but not an exhaustive list.
i.      When you are tired of living a fog
ii.      When you can't stop being tired
iii.      When you deal with frequent sugar cravings
iv.      When you can't lose weight or are tired of being overweight
v.      When you have low libido
vi.      When you are not sleeping well and wake up exhausted
vii.      When stress is running into a pit of fatigue and anxiety
viii.      When you experience nagging aches and pains
ix.      When you want to know how to decipher food labels
x.      When you want to know how to eat well
xi.      When you don't feel attractive
xii.      When you realize you don't know where to start
xiii.      When you want someone to direct you
xiv.      When you are trying to conceive
xv.      When you are having pregnancy risks or certain challenge during pregnancy
xvi.      When you are Postpartum
xvii.      When you have a child that is struggling with behavioral challenges or certain health challenges
xviii.      Anytime you need motivation and support, and feel you have not found success in meeting your health goals or addressing health concerns

What you can expect to gain from working with a Certified Health Coach?

Here are some common gains to be expected
i.      Reduction in symptoms
ii.      Decreased health challenges and complications
iii.      Less fatigue
iv.      Less stress
v.      Look younger
vi.      Feel more vibrant and less 'heavy'
vii.      Improved, more stable mood
viii.      Stronger
ix.      Increased energy
x.      Better sex
xi.      Improved self-confidence
xii.      Better sleep
xiii.      Less anxiety
xiv.      Healthier weight
xv.     Reduction in illness
xvi.      Healthier pregnancy
xvii.      Healthier baby and delivery
xviii.      More stable postpartum period, with less mood disruptions

What happens if you don't hire a Certified Health Coach?

Each year, millions of people die of preventable diseases. Studies show that more than half of all deaths are due to preventable behaviors and exposures. When your health continues to decline, it becomes even more costly and time consuming to correct. Ultimately, this could end in an untimely death.

What is special about Houston Health Coach's services?

We specialize in women and children! We have a heart to serve women and children. Women go through so many changes through various life stages. And each of these changes comes with challenges that can be very difficult. We want to meet you where you are so that you can be the best you can be and never have to walk a challenge alone. We want the best for each of you, truly.

Why should I trust Houston Health Coach in my health?

You are right to be cautious. That is a great sign that you are protective and smart about your health. Kudos! Here is a little about your Certified Health Coach: I am a Certified Health Coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, with specialty training hours in women trying to conceive, pregnant women, and postpartum women, as well having specialty training hours in child health. I am also a Certified Childbirth Educator, as well as a Certified Breastfeeding Educator. I also hold a Bachelor's degree in Sociology, and Non-Profit Management and Leadership. Additionally, I own a small business developing and marketing natural skincare products. I have also completed multiple internships gaining expertise in Strategic Planning, Program Auditing, and Proposal Writing. I have been on an active and purposeful personal wellness journey for the last 15 years. This has allowed me to build a wealth of physiological and whole health knowledge. I have experienced various ways of eating, living, and learned best practices for sustained optimal health. Additionally, I have a family that I usher into good health, and I am a Mom of four children that I have carried through pregnancy, and breastfed.

Administrative & Miscellaneous

Why do my Health Care Premiums go up every year?

It is our opinion, and the opinion of many professionals and organizations within the medical community, that it is because there is missing link between medical doctors and patient. When any health challenge arise, many people, millions and millions of people, turn into patients. This has led to doctors seeing far more patients and for far lesser health issues. Essentially, we as a people are going to the doctor for a broad range of issues. Coupled with the fact that we have become sicker as nation due to a sedentary lifestyle and the Standard America Diet (S.A.D.), which has resulted in more doctor visits, more diagnostics being performed, more surgeries, more chronic disease prevalence, and more prescriptions being written. All of this means substantial cost and subsequent payout from insurance companies. This in turn means every year you can expect your insurance premiums to rise. Insert a Certified Health Coach to help promote a proactive approach to health rather than a reactive one, which would decrease overall health challenges in people and subsequent rising healthcare costs.

Is my information confidential?

Absolutely! Your information is kept confidential and never shared without your permission. We are bound by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ( HIPPA) and the American Medical Association Telehealth Guidelines.


Can I call you as often as I would like?

We will have a biweekly 1-hour coaching session, and we will have communication in between coaching sessions via email/text to ensure you are doing well in your progress, feeling encouraged, and to walk you through any challenges. In this time we may also provide pertinent informational material relevant to your goals.

Does Medical Insurance cover Health Coaching?

Standard PPO or HMO plans do not cover Health Coaching at this time. There is a move for that to be the future, however. If you have COOP medical insurance, such as Liberty or Samaritan Ministries, you will have to check specifics with each company to see if Health Coaching would be a shared expense.

How long will it take to hear back after I submit a question?

We do our very best to respond within 48 hours or less.

Can I use my Health Savings Account (HSA) to pay for Health Coaching Sessions?

Per the IRS's rules governing HSA accounts, health coaching services are not an allowable expense at this time.


How much will this cost?

We offer various sessions and services with a wide range of pricing. Please refer to the Services Page for specific pricing information.

Will there be additional costs?

There will not be any required additional costs.

What if I can't make my scheduled coaching session?

If you notify your health coach with at least a 48-hour notice, we will just reschedule the session for a more convenient time. If you don't notify us that you aren't able to make the session within 48 hours of our scheduled session, the session will be a missed session with no makeup/rescheduling.

What if I'm not enjoying the coaching?

Please talk to us! Don't be shy. This is all for you. We are here for you. And want this to be the most helpful for you, and for you to get what you need and desire from the process. We will work hard to ensure you are comfortable and happy with the process.

When do I have to pay and how much?

It varies. It will depend on which coaching options or classes you choose. Please refer to Coaching Options via the Services page.

Will I have to fill out forms?

Yes. You will be given detailed instructions on when to complete them. They will be found, completed, and submitted online.

What type of payments do you accept?

a.    Cash
b.    PayPal
c.     Zelle (free, no fee app to send funds from bank to bank)